September 07, 2024

José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo


Noé Martínez

Noé Martínez (Morelia, Mexico, 1986) is a visual artist and filmmaker graduated from the National School " La Esmeralda" (Mexico City). In his work, he elaborates his personal history based on ethnographic methodologies and research of indigenous communities. His work participated in the Morelia International Film Festival (Mexico, 2018), the Native Crossroads Film Festival (Oklahoma, 2018), the 21st SESC Videobrasil Biennial (São Paulo, 2019) and FilmFront (Chicago, 2019), among others. He held exhibitions at The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros (Mexico City). His work is part of the collections of The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Kadist (San Francisco), and Museo Amparo (Puebla). He participated in the Clarice Oliveira Tavares Residency at the Swiss Institute (New York, 2020). Lives and works in Mexico City.

During FAARA residency, Martínez deepened his research on the memory and history of the territory. In search of contacts between African and indigenous cultures, he visited the Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art (Montevideo), the Carolino Regional Museum (San Carlos) and the socio-cultural spaces of candombe. He also focused on finalizing his latest film and also on experimenting with navigation for a work in progress.

  • Noé Martínez. Huiatl. Las noticias del mar II, 2020.
    Silver gelatin print, sterling silver chain and lettering in silver alloy metal, symbols taken from the records of the first slave branding irons in the Gulf of Mexico. 41 x 34.25 x 1 in.
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  • Noé Martínez. Racimo 1, 2022.
    High temperature ceramic and porcelain with oxide slip and cotton rope. 29.9 x 8.3 x 7.5 in.
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  • Noé Martínez. Árbol II. Las presencias dormidas, 2020.
    Purépecha textile, strips of leather tanned and dyed, gold leaf, glass eyes, and strips of Otomi Manufactured amate ritual paper. 110.25 x 30.3 x 3 in.
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  • Noé Martínez. Árbol III. Las presencias dormidas,2020.
    Chinese ink on Otomi ámate ritual paper, African textiles, tanned leather, obsidian, and clippings from the ‘L’Illustration Congolaise’ from 1939 (Published in Brussels to report news and developments in the Belgian colonial occupation in the Congo.) 108.25 × 17.75 × 3 in.
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  • Noé Martínez. Huiatl. Las noticias del mar III, 2020.
    Silver gelatin print, sterling silver chain and lettering in silver alloy metal, symbols taken from the records of the first slave branding irons in the Gulf of Mexico. 39.3 x 45.25 x 1 in.