March 14, 2025

Full moon in José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo

Grantees 2023

Solar dos abacaxis

Solar dos Abacaxis is an autonomous and collaborative institution dedicated to experimentation through art and education. Its purpose is to develop, strengthen, and radiate initiatives that seek social transformation through cultural, artistic, and educational projects. Based in Rio de Janeiro, but with activities throughout Brazil, it is devoted to the development of new forms of institutional and curatorial practice that, based on alternative value systems, can contribute to the construction of more fairer, powerful, and pleasurable relationships both within and outside the art system.

The Grant will be used for the new initiative called OFICINA SOLAR, which will provide opportunities for six national artists in vulnerable situations to participate in the first cycle of their residencies. The program will include social and curatorial support, travel and accommodation assistance, a research grant, and studio space.

  • Elton Panamby, Grave do Mundo, 2022.
    Courtesy of Solar dos Abacaxis.
  • 2.
  • Cólera Alegría and Ismael David no Manjar, Somos Muitxs, 2018.
    Instituto Todos na Luta, Brazil. Courtesy of Solar dos Abacaxis.
  • 3.
  • Caco Mota’s office, Baile da Aurora Sincera, 2023.
    Courtesy of Solar dos Abacaxis.
  • 4.
  • Marcela Cantuária, Somos Muitxs, 2018. Courtesy of Solar dos Abacaxis.
  • 5.
  • Solar dos Abacaxis.