March 14, 2025

José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo

Grantees 2023

La Nueva fábrica

Founded in 2013, La Nueva Fábrica is a non-profit contemporary art space based in Antigua, Guatemala, that works to empower diverse communities through art. With a clear commitment to supporting artistic experimentation, critical thinking, and social justice, it seeks to create pedagogical opportunities through art and visual culture. Their initiatives include exhibitions, public programs, educational and sustainable development projects, artistic residencies, and multidisciplinary workshops.

The Grant will be used to support the 2024 residency program and the launch of a social inclusion and gender axis for Centroamerican artists. The residency is open to artists, curators, educators, students, and diverse communities, and focuses on the management and development of selected projects, providing support and guidance to participants in their respective languages.

  • Sophia Arrazola of Mi Calle Nuestra Calle, Laboratoria de Futuros Participativos composed by Sophia Arrazola and Jesica Bastidas, during their residency at La Nueva Fábrica, April, 2022. Ph. Mi Calle Nuestra Calle. Courtesy La Nueva Fábrica.
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  • Antonio Pichillá Quiacaín. Pajch'un Q'iin, Xamaliil K'in Kirooneem Solooneem (Between Threads, Body and Healing), solo show, La Nueva Fábrica, January to June, 2022.
    Ph. René de Carufel. Courtesy La Nueva Fábrica.
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  • Children from the local Santa Ana school intervening the mural on the exterior wall of La Nueva Fábrica during the Mi Calle Nuestra Calle residency, April, 2022. Courtesy La Nueva Fábrica.
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  • La Nueva Fabrica, exterior view, Central Plaza of Santa Ana, village of La Antigua Guatemala. Courtesy La Nueva Fábrica.
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  • La Nueva Fábrica.