September 07, 2024

José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo


Andrés Bedoya

Andres Bedoya (La Paz, Bolivia, 1978) reflects on the history of the Andean region, from the construction of a biographical narrative based on the exploration of belief systems, rituals and objects. He held solo exhibitions, including Still Life with Others, at Situations (New York, 2018); Presente, at the Centro Cultural de España (La Paz, 2017); and El viaje, at the SCAD Museum of Art (Savannah, United States, 2016). He participated in group exhibitions, such as The Waste Land, at Nicelle Beauchene (New York, 2019); The Lost Nature: Works for the Videobrasil Historical Collection (Stavanger, Norway, 2019) and Bienal do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, 2015). He participated in the Gasworks residency (London, 2019) and Urra (Buenos Aires, 2011). Brooklyn Is Burning, at MoMA PS1 (New York) is one of his curatorial projects. He lives and works in Mexico City.

During FAARA residency, Bedoya dedicated himself to learning and perfecting techniques and crafts such as dental porcelain, glass, and silversmithing in personalized workshops, encounters with artisans, and experimentations in the studio. He also connected with the personal history of his mother, who lived in Montevideo.

  • Andres Bedoya. Patricia, 2018.
    Cigarette ash and chain. 254 cm.
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  • Andres Bedoya. Ultra Madre, 2009.
    Performance at Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia, 2009.
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  • Andres Bedoya. Untitled (Mirrors), 2014.
    Silver and burnt wood. Installation view. Variable dimension.
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  • Andres Bedoya. Vestimentas (12 de 12), Installation details, 2021-2022.
    Bronze, cotton canvas, wire. 600 x 200 cm.