October 22, 2024

José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo



Aldeia-Escola-Floresta (Brazil) will use the Grant for the community art program of the Maxakali indigenous people in Minas Gerais. By bringing together the different generations through art, these workshops are a strategy of the community leaders to transmit their identity and culture, in addition to providing a space of attention to children and youth, encouraging them to imagine a future for themselves through art.

Aldeia-Escola-Floresta is a community project of the Maxakali indigenous people in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Founded in 2021 by the couple of teachers, artists and filmmakers Sueli and Isael Maxakali, together with local leaders and sympathizers, it is constituted as a space for knowledge exchange, reforestation, restoration of springs, art and film workshops and strengthening of the musical, ritual and cosmological complex known as yãmĩyxop. With the aim of strengthening the transmission of their traditional knowledge and arts, the community performs its rituals with the yãmĩyxop (the spirits of the Atlantic Forest) and has created new contexts for the transmission to be strengthened and multiplied. Since its foundation, shamans, cultural specialists, teachers and leaders have organized workshops for collective learning of artistic practices, aimed at youth and children. These occasions combine the sharing of Yãmĩyxop stories and traditional Maxakali knowledge with the languages and media of the visual arts, such as drawing, painting, watercolor, weaving, installations and graphic techniques.

  • Shamans-Artists of Aldeia-Escola-Floresta. Voninho Maxakali and Veronildo Maxakali with the canvas they made together in the first painting workshop held in Aldeia-Escola-Floresta, 2022.
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  • Aldeia-Escola-Floresta. Installation view of Kumxop koxuk yõg [The spirits of my daughters], 2021. Designed by Sueli Maxakali and collectively produced by the artists, shamans and children of Aldeia-Escola-Floresta for the 34th edition of the São Paulo Biennial, 2021.
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  • Paintings on canvas made during a workshop in Aldeia-Escola-Floresta.
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  • Exhibition view of VIVA VIVA ESCOLA VIVA, Casa França-Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro, 2023-2024.