October 22, 2024

José Ignacio, Uruguay

Ama Amoedo

Ed #032024


Emiliano Mazza de Luca (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1970) is a film director and producer. In 2010, he founded the production company Passaparola with a focus on auteur cinema. His work is characterized by experimentation in narrative forms, production design, and impactful distribution. Currently, he is developing the fiction film Las Despenadoras, a coming-of-age story with documentary elements and touches of fantasy cinema, co-produced with Mexico, Brazil, and France. He is also working on the creative documentary Pax In Lucem, exploring the life of the Uruguayan-Catalan artist Joaquín Torres-García to commemorate the 150th anniversary of his birth. Mazza de Luca's filmography includes notable works such as Multitudes (2014, Uru), Nueva Venecia (2016, UY, Col, MX), which won the Best Documentary award at the Biarritz Ameríque Latine festival, and Vida a Bordo (2018, UY), where he ventured into cine-concerts with the Montevideo Symphonic Band and cine performances in Buenos Aires and Amsterdam. As a tutor, he founded Kaleidoskopik, an Agency for Training, Development, and Impact, using cinema as a tool for awareness and visibility to create new experiences that bring about social change. He lives and works in Mexico City.

This edition will focus on the technical script of the documentary in development, Pax in Lucem, prior to the filming stage in Spain. The film explores the trajectory of the renowned Uruguayan-Catalan artist Joaquín Torres García, starting with the discovery of fragments from the famous mural lost in the fire at the museum in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. Alejandro (great-grandson of Torres García and Director of the museum) and Emiliano (film director), lifelong friends, journey through the cities where Torres García lived, tracing his footsteps that still endure through time.

This edition of FAARA Sur is carried out in partnership with the Arca International Film Festival on Arts.

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Ed #032024


Alejandro Díaz Lageard (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1969) is the Director of Torres García Museum. In his role as Director and Curator of the museum, he has organized more than twenty exhibitions featuring the works of Joaquín Torres García in various museums in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Spain. Additionally, he writes essays on art and serves as the editorial director of the museum's publications. He is actively involved in designing and directing the setup of exhibitions, as well as photographing the artworks. In addition to his contributions to the visual arts, he engages in fiction writing, music composition, and studio photography. His eclectic education includes a degree in Mechanical Industrial Engineering, a postgraduate diploma in Organizational Management, and training in music, theater, studio photography, creative writing, carnival show direction, and object design. He has been honored with the Florencio Award in the music and sound ambiance category, an honorable mention in the short story contest of the Uruguayan Writers Association, the Best Exhibition Award in Brazil in 2011 (ABCA), the Morosoli Prize (Lolita Rubial Foundation), and the Museum Management Award (DNC). He currently resides and works in Montevideo, Uruguay.

This edition will focus on the technical script of the documentary in development, Pax in Lucem, prior to the filming stage in Spain. The film explores the trajectory of the renowned Uruguayan-Catalan artist Joaquín Torres García, starting with the discovery of fragments from the famous mural lost in the fire at the museum in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. Alejandro (great-grandson of Torres García and Director of the museum) and Emiliano (film director), lifelong friends, journey through the cities where Torres García lived, tracing his footsteps that still endure through time.

This edition of FAARA Sur is carried out in partnership with the Arca International Film Festival on Arts.

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Ed #022023


Alejandra Venegas (Mexico City, Mexico, 1986) holds a degree in Visual Arts from the National School ¨La Esmeralda¨ (CDMX). In her practice converge painting, drawing and wood carving. Her work is an archeology of experiences, sensations and discoveries detonated from contemplation, documentation of nature and the use of manual labor. In 2018 she participated in the Casa Wabi Residency, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. She received the Young Creators Scholarship twice in painting (2013 and 2015) and was selected in the XVI Rufino Tamayo Biennial. Her work has been presented in several exhibitions in Mexico and abroad, including Nubada, Proyectos Monclova Gallery (CDMX, 2022); Timicho, Dürst Britt & Mayhew Gallery (The Hague, The Netherlands, 2019) and Quality time, Proxyco Gallery (New York, 2019).

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Ed #022023


Fritzia Irízar (Culiacán, Mexico, 1977) questions issues such as the social condition that allow the construction of different schemes and hierarchies of value, creating pieces that analyze elements and materials of everyday use on a symbolic, practical and commercial level. Irízar plays with the economic and symbolic revaluation of objects when they move from their common sphere to become part of art. In 2011, she obtained the grant BANCOMER-MACG and she was chosen by the commission of the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) of the USA in its awards and commissions program. She has participated in several residencies, such as Les Récollets (France), AIR-KREMS (Austria), Headlands (USA), Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia/CHARCO (Spain) and Casa Wabi (Mexico). Irizar participated at the Mercosur Biennial (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Cuenca Biennial (Ecuador) and BIENALSUR (Argentina). Her work is part of collections such as Isabel and Agustín Coppel Collection (Mexico), Cisneros Fontanals Foundation (USA), Servais family Collection (Belgium), Catherine Petitgas Collection (France), Bank of Spain Collection, among others.

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Ed #012022


Edgardo Giménez (b. 1942, Santa Fe, Argentina) is an emblematic Argentine artist. Edgardo Giménez's career began in the 1960s as part of the avant-garde scene in Buenos Aires that emerged around the Instituto Di Tella. Over the years, his production has unfolded in paintings, sculptures, performances, scenographic works and architectural projects. Giménez has created iconic houses, such as the "Casa Azul" [Blue House], commissioned in 1971 by art critic Jorge Romero Brest and Marta Bontempi, built in City Bell, Buenos Aires. His works are in numerous museums and foundations in Argentina, the United States, Chile, Poland, and in important private collections.

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Ed #012022


María José Herrera (b. Argentina) is an independent curator and researcher. With a degree in Arts from the University of Buenos Aires, she currently teaches Museums studies at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero and is a researcher at the Centro Materia, Arte y Cultura (UNTREF). She has served as Head of Research and Curatorship at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA, 1999-2012); Artistic Director of the MNBA (2008); President of the Argentine Association of Art Critics (2007-2016); Artistic Director of MACBA Buenos Aires (2012) and General Director of the Museo de Arte Tigre (2014-2018). Throughout her career, she has published numerous books and curated important exhibitions.

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